Alkaline Plant Based Diet
Alkaline Plant Based Diet


The CDC has advised U.S. consumers not eat any romaine lettuce due to E.Coli contamination.. It has also advised retailers and restaurants not to sell…

Breaking News 11/20/18: CDC Is Advising That U.S. Consumers Not Eat Any Romaine Lettuce

The study “Zika virus infection damages the testes in mice” was published in Nature online on October 31, 2016. It raises questions about Zika’s…

African Strain Of Zika Virus Severely Damages Testes In Mice – Concern For Men

The Huff Post reported the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was about to spray Naled, a known toxic pesticide, in Puerto Rico to combat the spreading Zika virus…

Puerto Rican Governor To CDC: No Use Of Zika Pesticide Harmful To Pregnant Women

Dr. Martin O’Donnell and his colleagues have identified 10 risk factors for stroke that are responsible for 9 out of 10 strokes worldwide…

Interstroke Study Identifies Risk Factors For Stroke – Stroke Is Preventable

Google’s parent company Alphabet has predicted a plant-based diet revolution according to Fortune. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman…

Google Predicts A Plant-Based Food Revolution Which Is Not A Good Thing

Elon Musk and Tesla have done it again, moving people into the new age and helping to save the planet. Tesla unveiled the Powerwall, a rechargeable lithium…

Tesla Unveils The Tesla Powerwall To Power Your Home Completely Off Grid

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